Wow that was incredible and so nourishing to read. Thank you so much for sharing about this beautiful birthday!!

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It was a joy and a pleasure to share! I appreciate you so much :-D

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May 21Liked by Ashley Manta

Listened to the audio version of this on my morning walk just now and was smiling the whole time! Thanks for sharing ashleyyyy and I am fucking delighted for you to have had such an awesome birthday weekend!! PS…how do I get my hands (and other things!?) on anubis? 👀👀😉

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There's an audio version? I wonder if I can record one in my own voice??? I've been telling Anubis that he should really clone and mass produce his cock so that everyone can have a ride. I hope you get the opportunity someday!

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I figured out how to do a voiceover! That was fun! Definitely doing that for all future posts!

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May 31Liked by Ashley Manta

Thank you for your incredible post. Fabulous birthday & I too have recently experienced the executive parking. Wow

It’s next level.

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Thank you so much for reading! And I love that you've had the executive parking experience as well. What a freaking game changer!

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